
Welcome, all, to Driftin’ Donuts! We are an automotive information station dedicated to bringing you facts, truth, and even advice.

Here’s a bit of truth for you. This is a site created by car enthusiasts, not journalists. We get you information based on our own experiences and research. Everything we have to say is from the perspective of people with a passion for cars.

Here, you can find a plethora of history, tips, technical details, and a whole lot more. We’ll cover our basic automotive knowledge for new enthusiasts as well as our more advanced knowledge. Need information on a particular car out of history that not many people know of? We’ve probably got it here. Need help figuring out what not to do when keeping your windshield clean? That’s literally the first article we’ve published. Don’t have the slightest clue as to how an engine works? We can explain it for you. And just as you listen to what we have to say, we’ll do the same for you!

We look forward to your feedback to tell us how we’re doing, correct any inaccurate information, or give us some new ideas. No one is perfect, but with your help, we can do our best to give you the most reliable information.


Ian Wise

Editor in Chief / Automotive Expert

Hello fellow high-performance automobile enthusiasts! I have now officially entered the world of automotive writing. My name is Ian. You can expect a lot from me in terms of histories of some classic cars, some of them well-known and some not so well-known, performance modifications, drag racing, and probably a lot more. Pretty much anything to do with a large V8 engine is what I will cover. I am a huge classic muscle enthusiast. You’ll find me writing about just about anything that falls into this category. That includes anything from Camaros and Chargers to Plymouths and Oldsmobiles. If it’s old, American, and loud, chances are I know a thing or two about it.

My love of cars started many moons ago, when I was roughly 10 years old. I don’t remember exactly. What I do remember is watching the first Transformers movie and seeing Bumblebee turn into that brand new Camaro concept. That was the day I realised that cars are more than just a tool to get from Point A to Point B. Cars were something to take pride in, build a relationship with, and most importantly, have fun with. Everyone thought that movie was alright. They hated all of the sequels that it spawned, but I watched them. I watched every single one of them just so I could see that car. Since then, my knowledge has expanded rapidly as I find new cars every day.

I don’t know everything, but I have pretty vast knowledge on these particular cars. What I don’t already know, I can find out. I will do my best to give the most accurate information I can in my writing. Now with that being said, I have some ideas to put on paper. Thanks for joining us at Driftin’ Donuts!

Zach Hughes

Head of Marketing/Publishing

Pending approval